美国总统并不是由选民直接选举产生,而是由选举人团选举产生。美国一共有538张选举人票(electoral college votes),拿到一半以上(即≥270)者获胜。
选举人票是以州为单位的,每个州票数不同,最多的是加利福尼亚州,55张;最少的有蒙大拿州,3张。如果候选人能在某个州获得相对多数的普选票(popular votes,即选民投票),那便可得到该州的全部选举人票(electoral college votes)。即“赢者通吃”(缅因州和内布拉斯加州除外)。
①AMERICA elects its president through the electoral college, rather than directly on the results of the popular vote. ②The 50 states and Washington, DC are allocated 538 electoral-college votes (ECVs). ③The number of votes granted to each state depends on its representation in the Senate and House of Representatives. ④Every state has two senators and at least one representative, so even sparsely populated states, such as Montana, are guaranteed three votes. ⑤Nearly every state awards its entire slate of ECVs to whomever wins the popular vote in that state (only Maine and Nebraska allow for their ECVs to be split among candidates). ⑥To win the presidency a candidate must secure a simple majority of 270 votes.
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